SciCAR 2024

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Investigating Science: Mit Forschungsdatenbanken problematische Wissenschaft aufspüren
2024-09-28 , Seminar room II
Language: Deutsch

We want to present approaches and methods for using bibliographic data to investigate problematic research practices. One main approach is based on our "Follow the Grant" project investigating conflict of interest. Companies for example in the medical, food and environmental sector are known to spend billions funding research and scientists, thereby biasing researchers and distorting research priorities and results. We also have recently expanded the approach in the "Investigating Science" project, which addresses different topics, such as preprints, retractions and problematic funding.We will discuss different approaches and investigations, many of which involved the panellists. The attendees will walk away from the session with an understanding of the importance of commercial influence on science and medicine, relevant story angles and ways to investigate them. We will also discuss some of the datasets that are available and useful for these kind of investigations, for example Open Access corpora and other related datasets, including how to work with them and what the pitfalls are.,

Simon Wörpel is an independent investigative data journalist, researcher and leak librarian. He specializes in documents processing, data engineering and data analysis for journalistic investigations. Simon works for different non-profit organizations, newspapers and media outlets in germany. There he advises and implements software tools for research teams to enable data mining, documents processing and data analysis to enable data-driven investigative journalism.

From 2015 to 2019 he worked as a data journalist and newsroom developer at the german non-profit investigative newsroom CORRECTIV. There he built document databases and security infrastructure for collaborative cross-border investigations like “The CumEx Files” and “Grand Theft Europe”. Both of these projects involved dealing with highly sensitive material and orchestrating secure communication and data sharing between dozens of journalists from different countries.

Simon originally attended journalism school and studied economics and politics in cologne, germany.

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Hristio Boytchev ist investigativer Wissenschaftsjournalist beim British Medical Journal. Er ist Leiter des datenjournalistischen Projekts “Follow the Grant” und seiner Erweiterung “Investigating Science”. Hristio wurde 2021 von der European Federation for Science Journalism als Wissenschaftsjournalist des Jahres ausgezeichnet. Foto: Ivo Mayr

Natalie unterstützt datenjournalistische Recherchen durch Datenbeschaffung, den Bau von Scrapern, Datenanalyse, Visualisierung und Automation. Neben der freiberuflichen Tätigkeit als Datenspezialistin, ist sie seit Oktober 2023 Teil des SWR Data Labs. In Workshops und als Gastdozentin vermittelt sie angehenden Journalist:innen Programmierkenntnisse.
Natalie hat einen Hintergrund in Kognitionswissenschaften und Künstlicher Intelligenz und entwickelte nach dem Studium Tools für Redaktionen, etwa zur schnellen Überprüfung von Falschaussagen oder der Extraktion von Informationen aus Dokumenten.